CTC Monthly Learning Series: Self-care Through Cultivating Emotional Wellness


January 18, 2024    
Thurs, January 18, 2024
11:00 am – 12:30 pm PST

Come learn about how to care for yourself by cultivating your emotional wellness.  Being in the helping profession can be taxing.  Spending so much time helping others can sometimes lead to stress or burnout or compassion fatigue.  Let’s focus on what we can do to help ourselves and those we serve by implementing some simple practices that research has shown to improve our emotional wellness. Emotional well-being, or emotional health or wellness, refers to how well people are able to accept and manage their emotions and cope with challenges throughout life. Emotional well-being can affect how well someone can function day to day or how they are able to deal with change or uncertainty. Come learn and experience some strategies to help you in your own wellness.

“90% of our happiness is predicted not by your external world but by how your brain processes it”  Shawn Achor, Author of The Happiness Advantage and Big Potential


  • Become aware of the at least 3 practical ways to increase your emotional wellness
  • Increase knowledge of the researched benefits of these practical practices
  • Experience wellness activities in the workshop
  • Obtain handouts of exercises or activities you can implement in your life immediately

Facilitated by:

Jen Hogge, LMFT, Community Prevention Strategist 

Ms. Hogge is a certified Communities That Care trainer and coach supporting communities in Utah and Oregon. Prior to joining SDRG in a coaching capacity she worked as a Regional Director, a County Coordinator and facilitated the development of four CTC coalitions in Northern Utah. She has experience providing CTC workshops and support to community leaders, coalitions and coalition coordinators. In addition, Ms. Hogge is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Level 1 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Qualified Teacher within her private practice in Gig Harbor WA.