CTC Monthly Series: Prevention Works! And a Call to Action


May 29, 2024    
Wed, May 29,  2024
Time: 11:00 am-12:30 pm (PT) 12:00-1:30 pm (MT) 2:00-3:30 pm (ET)


This 90-minute webinar will explore national and state level data points from middle and high school youth to make the case that Prevention Works! We will discuss the need to maintain, expand, and sustain our efforts of implementing tested and effective substance misuse prevention programs. The session will also focus on areas where we have not seen prevention success and a call for action to improve prevention among 18-25-year-old young adults.


  • Explore Monitoring the Future and some state trend data that have demonstrated decreasing overall trends in substance use among high school age youth
  • Identify three websites that provide information on the tested and effective prevention programs
  • Identify areas of focus for the prevention field that need attention based on state and national data points